Survey with Results

This project was inspired by a traditional paper survey and was transformed into a digital version with automated results.

Project developed in Articulate Storyline 360

This survey contained thirty questions that were split evenly into three categories. Each category provided a description and then displayed a result slide based on the learner’s responses. There was a need to allow learners to revisit select questions quickly once viewing these result slides. Buttons were included on each result slide that instantly displayed the desired questions and enabled learners to change their responses.

It was also essential that each result slide provided the sum of specific question responses. Individual question responses were featured above the total when learners landed on a result slide. The total determined the overall category score and level. The result slides were dynamic and recalculated when learners made any adjustments to their responses.

One category had some answers that were reversed scored. If a learner chose a 1 for a question, their response would automatically be set equal to 5. (i.e., 1 = 5, 2 = 4, 3 = 3, 4 = 2, and 5 = 1) Once the entire survey was completed, learners would see their overall level of low, average, or high for each category.

This project was designed with accessibility in mind. (e.g., color contrast, focus order, alternative text, etc.)


Compatibility Chart