Save the Bees
This gamification project was crafted to infuse the learning experience with a more engaging game-like quality.
Project developed in Articulate Storyline 360
After completing a book study on “Play to Learn” by Sharon Boller and Karl M. Kapp, active engagement in an Articulate Storyline 360 developmental series sparked an innovative drive towards crafting a more imaginative solution for an enhanced learning experience. Included in the project were a wealth of gamified elements like creating adaptive learning paths, progress tracking, token accumulation, storytelling, explorative journeys, and interactive decision-making dynamics. The character can navigate throughout the experience by using a mouse to select buttons or by using the ‘enter’ key and arrow keys on a keyboard. Using the code ‘Buzz’ will jump to the climactic showdown.
Parallax Effect
Articulate Storyline 360 Tools
This project was meticulously constructed utilizing the built-in tools of Articulate Storyline 360. Each object is a combination of intricately placed shapes that are grouped. The scenes are spread across four slides with more than 60 harmonious layers while over 40 variables are interlaced throughout the narrative and used in over 1000 instances. The story has an abundance of triggers, states, and animated motion paths, each playing its part in providing a polished experience for the learner.
To enhance the experience with a dynamic and immersive feeling, a parallax effect was integrated into the surroundings. This entailed a strategic partitioning of the visual elements: the foreground, housing the character, the middle ground, adorned by rolling hills, and the background, with faraway mountains, into three distinct entities. Each of these entities was assigned its motion paths that are synchronized with the character’s movement in each of the eight different possible directions. Collectively, the character’s environment moved different distances over the same amount of time.